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Br Dent J ; 235(11): 892-896, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38066153


By the end of the 1910s, the British Dental Association Benevolent Fund was well-established and financially sound. Subscriptions and donations continued to grow but were never quite enough for the treasurer or indeed the committee, who were unable to fulfil all requests for help. Wartime restrictions on paper use meant that publicity was entirely in the hands for the editor of the British Dental Journal, as no separate annual reports were produced. Call-ups to military service decreased the numbers of volunteers willing or able to serve on the committee but applications for assistance in these years continued to grow. The introduction of the 1921 Dentist Act raised issues of resourcing and the future of the Charity for the committee. Novel fundraising suggestions were rife. Volunteer almoners were needed to monitor the increasing number of grant recipients.

Organizaciones de Beneficencia , Obtención de Fondos , Voluntarios , Humanos , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Inglaterra , Historia del Siglo XX
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-230008


Objetivo principal: realizar un acercamiento a la asistencia sanitaria prestada por la Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios(OH) en el Hospital de Antequera tras elfracaso de la reunificación hospitalaria del siglo XVII.Metodología: Se han utilizado diversas fuentes documentales princi-palmente procedentes del Archivo Histórico Municipal de Antequera, así como de libros y literatura científica relacionada connuestro tema.Resultados principales: El prestigio que los hospitalarios iban adquiriendo en Andalucía propició que las autoridades municipales dejasen en sus manos la dirección del hospital que estaría a su cargo desde 1673 hasta el procedimiento de exclaustración de inicios del siglo XIX. Se describen las reglas de los hospitalarios que abarcaban aspectos tanto religiosos como sobre atención hospitalaria, recogida esta última en diversos libros de registro.Conclusión principal: La OH se presentó en un principio como la solución para el buen funcionamiento del hospital antequerano. Sin embargo, su gestión siempre fue muy criticada desde ciertos sectores. En su expulsión, a principios del siglo XIX, influyeron las tensiones y conflictos con los que se inició el siglo XIX (AU)

Objective: to approach the health care provided by the Hospitaller Order of SaintJohn of God (OH) in the Antequera Hospital after the failure of the hospital reunification in the 17th century. Methods: Various documentary sources have been used, mainly from the Municipal Historical Archives of Antequera, as well as books and scientific literature related to our subject. Results:The prestige that the Hospitallers were acquiring in Andalusia meant that the municipal authorities left the management of the hospital in their hands, which would be in theircharge from 1673 until the procedure of exclaustration at the beginning of the19th century. The rules of the hospitallers are described, covering both religious aspects and hospital care, the latter being recorded in various registry books. Conclusions: The OH was initially presented as the solution for the proper functioning of the Antequera hospital. However, its management was always highly criticised from certain quarters. Its expulsion at the beginning of the 19th century was influenced by the tensions and conflicts at the beginning of the 19th century (AU)

Historia del Siglo XVII , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Hospitales Públicos/historia , España
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-211985


En el despertar del mundo moderno cobra protagonismo una mujer con una personalidad arrolladora: María Rafols, fundadora de las Hermanas de la Caridad de Santa Ana. Fue protagonista de actos heroicos durante los Sitios de Zaragoza; aunque sus verdaderos actos memorables los realizó en la lucha cotidiana en el cuidado de pobres, enfermos y niños expósitos. Sin embargo, años después, las intrigas y sospechas políticas motivaron la detención de la María Rafols por una supuesta conspiración contra la Reina. La aprobación de las Constituciones de las Hermanas de la Caridad del Hospital de Nuestra Señora de Gracia de 1824, constituyeron un verdadero cuerpo de doctrina de actuación de enfermería (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia de la Enfermería , Religión y Medicina , Mujeres/historia , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Grabación en Video , España
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 27(3): 837-857, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33111792


We discuss the attempt to establish the Hospital Proletário in the capital of the state of Paraíba in the 1930s. To this end, we problematized the coverage in the newspaper A União on this episode. The involvement of different actors - workers, associations and physicians - reveals the emergence of a new way of thinking and implementing healthcare policies. According to the Vargas government's national construction plan, actions like this were intended to ensure healthy workers - ready for the market and useful for the country. Despite its failure, the hospital project provided evidence of the different concepts of worker health during the Vargas Era. We identified the concepts of "health interdependence," "social medicine," "regulated citizenship" and the "labor movement."

Discutimos a tentativa de organização do Hospital Proletário na capital da Paraíba nos anos 1930. Para tanto, problematizamos a cobertura do jornal A União sobre esse episódio. O envolvimento de diferentes atores ­ trabalhadores, associações e médicos ­ revela a emergência de uma nova forma de pensar e praticar as políticas de saúde. Conforme o projeto varguista de construção nacional, tais ações visavam à formação de trabalhadores saudáveis, aptos para o mercado e úteis para a nação. Apesar de seu fracasso, o projeto do hospital evidencia as diferentes concepções sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores na Era Vargas. Apropriamo-nos dos conceitos de "interdependência sanitária", "medicina social", "cidadania regulada" e "trabalhismo".

Hospitales/historia , Brasil , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Clase Social
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 27(3): 837-857, set. 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134080


Resumo Discutimos a tentativa de organização do Hospital Proletário na capital da Paraíba nos anos 1930. Para tanto, problematizamos a cobertura do jornal A União sobre esse episódio. O envolvimento de diferentes atores - trabalhadores, associações e médicos - revela a emergência de uma nova forma de pensar e praticar as políticas de saúde. Conforme o projeto varguista de construção nacional, tais ações visavam à formação de trabalhadores saudáveis, aptos para o mercado e úteis para a nação. Apesar de seu fracasso, o projeto do hospital evidencia as diferentes concepções sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores na Era Vargas. Apropriamo-nos dos conceitos de "interdependência sanitária", "medicina social", "cidadania regulada" e "trabalhismo".

Abstract We discuss the attempt to establish the Hospital Proletário in the capital of the state of Paraíba in the 1930s. To this end, we problematized the coverage in the newspaper A União on this episode. The involvement of different actors - workers, associations and physicians - reveals the emergence of a new way of thinking and implementing healthcare policies. According to the Vargas government's national construction plan, actions like this were intended to ensure healthy workers - ready for the market and useful for the country. Despite its failure, the hospital project provided evidence of the different concepts of worker health during the Vargas Era. We identified the concepts of "health interdependence," "social medicine," "regulated citizenship" and the "labor movement."

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Hospitales/historia , Clase Social , Brasil , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia
Asclepio ; 72(1): 0-0, ene.-jun. 2020.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-195650


En este artículo se analizan los primeros intentos realizados por el Estado para implementar la beneficencia pública en Puerto Rico. Se argumenta que los liberales lucharon por adelantar sus políticas en favor de la población desposeída, pero que sus acciones se vieron limitadas por las dificultades que encontraron en la Isla, entre ellas la falta de las instituciones de caridad. En los dos primeros periodos constitucionales (1812-1814 y 1820-1823) se intentó actuar en favor de todos los pobres, pero solo se logró atender a los enfermos pobres en los hospitales de la ciudad de San Juan. En el desarrollo del artículo se muestra que durante el siglo XIX importó mucho el género para ingresar a los hospitales: en el primer periodo constitucional solamente se asistieron a los hombres en el Hospital Militar; las mujeres fueron atendidas en el segundo periodo constitucional, cuando el Estado consiguió administrar el Hospital de Pobres. A pesar de la intermitencia entre los proyectos políticos liberales y conservadores, se dieron los primeros pasos para comenzar a asistir a los enfermos puertorriqueños pobres en los hospitales de la ciudad

This article analyses the State's first attempt to implement public assistance in Puerto Rico. It is argued that liberals fought to advance their policies in order to favor the underprivileged population, but that their actions were limited by the difficulties encountered in the island, the lack of charities being one of them. During the first two constitutional periods (1812-1814 and 1820-1823,) an attempt was made to assist all of the underprivileged people, but only the sick at hospitals in the city of San Juan, were able to receive assistance. Throughout the article, it is demonstrated that during the XIX Century, gender played an important role when being admitted to a hospital: during the first constitutional period, only males received assistance at the Military Hospital; women received assistance during the second constitutional period, once the State was able to oversee the Hospital for the Underprivileged. In spite of the intermittence between the liberal and conservative political policies, the first steps to begin assisting sick and underprivileged Puerto Ricans in the city's hospitals were given

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Asistencia Pública/historia , Política , Factores Sexuales , Puerto Rico
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 26(suppl 1): 79-108, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31994682


This article investigates how the santas casas de misericórdia charitable associations in the state of São Paulo were subsidized by the municipal, provincial, and state governments at the turn of the twentieth century. Budget appropriations from 1838 to 1915 were examined to evaluate these charitable grants as well as the growth in funding during this period. While a care network created with strong state backing, it was put into action by philanthropic assistance. This network of hospital care retained the same format until at least the first third of the twentieth century, and included misericórdia establishments created within the interior of the state of São Paulo.

O artigo analisa como as santas casas de misericórdia do estado de São Paulo foram subvencionadas pelos governos municipais, provincial e estadual na passagem do século XIX para o XX. Para tanto, são discutidas as dotações orçamentárias realizadas de 1838 a 1915, com o fim de avaliar o repasse e a ampliação de verbas nesse ínterim. É possível notar que foi criada uma rede de assistência fortemente apoiada pelo Estado, mas efetivada pela assistência filantrópica. Essa rede de atendimento hospitalar permanece com o mesmo formato até pelo menos o primeiro terço do século XX, contexto em que se incluíam as misericórdias criadas pelo interior do estado paulista.

Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Política de Salud/historia , Hospitales/historia , Brasil , Presupuestos/historia , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/economía , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/legislación & jurisprudencia , Economía Hospitalaria/historia , Financiación Gubernamental/historia , Gobierno/historia , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos
Cult. cuid ; 24(57): 143-159, 2020. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-195909


La Asamblea Local de Cruz Roja Española de Elche inició su andadura con carácter formal en el mes de septiembre de 1909; el talante altruista de la "brigada de camilleros"y su vida económica, compuesta principalmente por cuotas de socios, subvenciones del ayuntamiento y celebraciones para recaudar fondos, así como los servicios prestados para toda la población, advierten de la existencia de cobertura sanitaria en un momento de valor singular, como es la dictadura de Miguel Primo de Rivera. Los principios que rigen la Asamblea son los mismos que propone el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja en 1921: caridad, universalidad, independencia e imparcialidad. OBJETIVO: identificar qué se conoce sobre los inicios de la Cruz Roja Española en la ciudad de Elche y la relación existente con sus principios: caridad, universalidad, independenciae imparcialidad. MÉTODO: se llevó a cabo una investigación histórica basada en la revisión bibliográfica. Fuentes documentales: catálogos documentales de bibliotecas y archivos documentales, bases de datos electrónicas, catálogos de revistas especializadas en historia y otras fuentes de red. Descriptores utilizados: Cruz Roja, Cruz Roja Española, Cruz Roja Local. RESULTADOS: en el análisis se incluyeron documentos procedentes de estudios basados en fuentes primarias y los resultados se presentan en 4 apartados: Composición y vida económica, Celebraciones para recaudar fondos: la Fiesta de la Banderita, Acuerdos municipales y Servicios prestados. CONCLUSIÓN: existe una clara relación de la labor desarrollada por la Asamblea de la Cruz Roja Española de Elche y los principios en los que se orienta, desarrollando cada uno de ellos en su vida cotidiana; así se deprende de los documentos analizados de la época tanto de comunicaciones y actas del ayuntamiento como de prensa histórica

The Local Assembly of the Spanish Red Cross of Elche began its formal activity in September 1909; the altruistic mood of the "brigade of stretchers" and its economic life, mainly composed of membership fees, grants from the city council and fundraising celebrations, as well as services provided for the entire population, warn of the existence of health coverage in a moment of singular value, as is the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. The principles governing the Assembly are the same as those proposed by the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1921: charity, universality, independence and impartiality. OBJECTIVE: identify what is known about the beginnings of the Spanish Red Cross in the city of Elche and the relationship with its principles: charity, universality, independence and impartiality. METHOD: a historical investigation based on the literature review was carried out. Documentary sources: documentary catalogs of libraries and documentary archives, electronic databases, catalogs of magazines specialized in history and other network sources. Descriptors used: Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, Local Red Cross. RESULTS: the analysis included documents from studies based on primary sources and the results are presented in 4 sections: Composition and economic life, Celebrations to raise funds: the Feast of the Banderita, Municipal Agreements and Services provided. CONCLUSION: there is a clear relationship of the work carried out by the Assembly of the Spanish Red Cross of Elche and the principles on which it is oriented, developing each of them in their daily lives; This follows from the documents analyzed at the time of both the communications and the minutes of the town hall and the historical press

A Assembléia Local da Cruz Vermelha Espanhola de Elche iniciou sua atividade formal em setembro de 1909; o humor altruísta da "brigada de macas" e sua vida econômica, composta principalmente de honorários, subsídios da prefeitura e celebrações de arrecadação de fundos, além de serviços prestados a toda a população, alertam para a existência de cobertura de saúde momento de valor singular, como é a ditadura de Miguel Primo de Rivera. Os princípios que governam a Assembléia são os mesmos propostos pelo Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha em 1921: caridade, universalidade, independência e imparcialidade. OBJETIVO: identificar o que se sabe sobre o início da Cruz Vermelha Espanhola na cidade de Elche e a relação existente com seus princípios: caridade, universalidade,independênciae imparcialidade. MÉTODO: foi realizada uma investigação histórica baseada na revisão da literatura. Fontes documentais: catálogos documentais de bibliotecas e arquivosdocumentais, bancos de dados eletrônicos catálogos de revistas especializadas em história e outras fontes de rede. Descritores utilizados: Cruz Vermelha, Cruz Vermelha Espanhola, Cruz Vermelha Local. RESULTADOS: documentos de estudos baseados em fontes primárias foram incluídos na análise e os resultados são apresentados em 4 seções: Composição e vida econômica, Celebrações para captação de recursos: Festa da Banderita, Acordos e Serviços Municipais. CONCLUSÃO: existe uma clara relação entre o trabalho realizado pela Assembléia da Cruz Vermelha Espanhola de Elche e os princípios sobre os quais se orienta, desenvolvendo cada um deles no seu cotidiano; Isso decorre dos documentos analisados na época das comunicações e das atas da prefeitura e da imprensa histórica

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Cruz Roja/historia , Cruz Roja/organización & administración , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Universalización de la Salud , España
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(supl.1): 79-108, out.-dez. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056285


Resumo O artigo analisa como as santas casas de misericórdia do estado de São Paulo foram subvencionadas pelos governos municipais, provincial e estadual na passagem do século XIX para o XX. Para tanto, são discutidas as dotações orçamentárias realizadas de 1838 a 1915, com o fim de avaliar o repasse e a ampliação de verbas nesse ínterim. É possível notar que foi criada uma rede de assistência fortemente apoiada pelo Estado, mas efetivada pela assistência filantrópica. Essa rede de atendimento hospitalar permanece com o mesmo formato até pelo menos o primeiro terço do século XX, contexto em que se incluíam as misericórdias criadas pelo interior do estado paulista.

Abstract This article investigates how the santas casas de misericórdia charitable associations in the state of São Paulo were subsidized by the municipal, provincial, and state governments at the turn of the twentieth century. Budget appropriations from 1838 to 1915 were examined to evaluate these charitable grants as well as the growth in funding during this period. While a care network created with strong state backing, it was put into action by philanthropic assistance. This network of hospital care retained the same format until at least the first third of the twentieth century, and included misericórdia establishments created within the interior of the state of São Paulo.

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Política de Salud/historia , Hospitales/historia , Brasil , Presupuestos/historia , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/economía , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/legislación & jurisprudencia , Economía Hospitalaria/historia , Financiación Gubernamental/historia , Gobierno/historia
J R Coll Physicians Edinb ; 49(2): 158-164, 2019 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31188351


Humane societies emerged in considerable numbers throughout the transatlantic world in the late eighteenth century. These charities promoted innovative methods for resuscitating the apparently drowned, drawing upon advances in the medical understanding of resuscitation and scientific innovations in life-saving techniques. Humane societies constituted a transnational philanthropic movement, in that member societies corresponded with each other and drew upon the work of fellow life-saving charities. Medical gentlemen, especially physicians and surgeons, were at the forefront of this movement and contributed greatly to the foundation of these societies, as well as to the vibrant transnational discourse on resuscitation techniques. This paper will explore the proliferation of humane societies as constituting a transnational movement of voluntary organisations, and will pay particular attention to British and Irish life-saving charities in the early decades of this movement (1770-c. 1820).

Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Internacionalidad/historia , Resucitación/historia , Sociedades/historia , Ahogamiento/historia , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Humanos , Difusión de la Información , Irlanda , Conocimiento , Resucitación/instrumentación , Resucitación/métodos , Reino Unido
Salud Publica Mex ; 59(4): 429-436, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29211264


Some interpretations frequently argue that three Disability Models (DM) (Charity, Medical/Rehabilitation, and Social) correspond to historical periods in terms of chronological succession. These views permeate a priori within major official documents on the subject in Mexico. This paper intends to test whether this association is plausible by applying a timeline method. A document search was made with inclusion and exclusion criteria in databases to select representative studies with which to depict milestones in the timelines for each period. The following is demonstrated: 1) models should be considered as categories of analysis and not as historical periods, in that the prevalence of elements of the three models is present to date, and 2) the association between disability models and historical periods results in teleological interpretations of the history of disability in Mexico.

Personas con Discapacidad/rehabilitación , Modelos Teóricos , Actitud Frente a la Salud , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Evaluación de la Discapacidad , Personas con Discapacidad/historia , Personas con Discapacidad/estadística & datos numéricos , Historia del Siglo XVI , Historia del Siglo XVII , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , México/epidemiología , Seguridad Social/historia , Bienestar Social/historia
Med Hist ; 61(4): 481-499, 2017 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28901871


Current policy and practice directed towards people with learning disabilities originates in the deinstitutionalisation processes, civil rights concerns and integrationist philosophies of the 1970s and 1980s. However, historians know little about the specific contexts within which these were mobilised. Although it is rarely acknowledged in the secondary literature, MIND was prominent in campaigning for rights-based services for learning disabled people during this time. This article sets MIND's campaign within the wider historical context of the organisation's origins as a main institution of the inter-war mental hygiene movement. The article begins by outlining the mental hygiene movement's original conceptualisation of 'mental deficiency' as the antithesis of the self-sustaining and responsible individuals that it considered the basis of citizenship and mental health. It then traces how this equation became unravelled, in part by the altered conditions under the post-war Welfare State, in part by the mental hygiene movement's own theorising. The final section describes the reconceptualisation of citizenship that eventually emerged with the collapse of the mental hygiene movement and the emergence of MIND. It shows that representations of MIND's rights-based campaigning (which have, in any case, focused on mental illness) as individualist, and fundamentally opposed to medicine and psychiatry, are inaccurate. In fact, MIND sought a comprehensive community-based service, integrated with the general health and welfare services and oriented around a reconstruction of learning disabled people's citizenship rights.

Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Derechos Civiles/historia , Promoción de la Salud/historia , Discapacidades para el Aprendizaje/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Reino Unido
Salud pública Méx ; 59(4): 429-436, Jul.-Aug. 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-903773


Abstract: Some interpretations frequently argue that three Disability Models (DM) (Charity, Medical/Rehabilitation, and Social) correspond to historical periods in terms of chronological succession. These views permeate a priori within major official documents on the subject in Mexico. This paper intends to test whether this association is plausible by applying a timeline method. A document search was made with inclusion and exclusion criteria in databases to select representative studies with which to depict milestones in the timelines for each period. The following is demonstrated: 1) models should be considered as categories of analysis and not as historical periods, in that the prevalence of elements of the three models is present to date, and 2) the association between disability models and historical periods results in teleological interpretations of the history of disability in Mexico.

Resumen: Se argumenta que tres modelos de discapacidad (de prescindencia, médico/rehabilitador y social) se corresponden con periodos históricos en sucesión cronológica. Esta visión a priori ha permeado dentro de los principales documentos oficiales sobre el tema en México. El presente trabajo se propone probar si esta asociación es plausible, mediante la aplicación de una metodología de línea temporal. Se diseñó una estrategia de búsqueda con criterios de inclusión y exclusión en bases de datos para seleccionar estudios representativos, con los cuales se retomaron hitos a representar en la línea temporal por cada periodo. Se muestra que los modelos deben plantearse como categorías de análisis y no como periodos históricos, dado que: 1) existe prevalencia de elementos de los tres modelos en la coyuntura actual y 2) la asociación entre modelos y periodos da lugar a interpretaciones teleológicas de la historia de la discapacidad en México.

Historia del Siglo XVI , Historia del Siglo XVII , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Personas con Discapacidad/rehabilitación , Modelos Teóricos , Seguridad Social/historia , Bienestar Social/historia , Actitud Frente a la Salud , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Personas con Discapacidad/historia , Personas con Discapacidad/estadística & datos numéricos , Evaluación de la Discapacidad , México/epidemiología
World Neurosurg ; 103: 634-646, 2017 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28232150


The National Hospital, Queen Square, London was founded as a charitable institution in 1860, becoming the first dedicated neuroscience hospital in the world. Sir Victor Horsley, the first neurosurgeon was appointed in 1886, and since that time, Queen Square neurosurgeons have been prominent on the World neurosurgical stage, including Sir Wylie McKissock and Prof Lindsay Symon, inter alia. This article gives the history taken from both published records and personal stories, recorded by a neurosurgeon who has worked at the hospital for thirty five years.

Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Hospitales/historia , Neurocirugia/historia , Procedimientos Neuroquirúrgicos/historia , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Londres
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(4): 1153-1167, oct.-dic. 2016. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-828874


Resumo Este artigo é parte do esforço de compilação das análises elaboradas em dissertação de mestrado, defendida em 2012. Apresentamos novas perspectivas sobre o Hospício de Pedro II entre 1883 e 1889, a partir de pesquisa empreendida com as fichas de entrada e os anexos de pacientes internados na instituição, fundada em 1852, no Rio de Janeiro. Buscamos destacar a participação de atores diversos e as imbricações de diferentes interesses e demandas em relação ao hospício. Assim, além do olhar médico-científico, apontamos a importância de ampliar o debate sobre a instituição, considerando sua importância, tanto pelo viés caritativo quanto pelo papel central nas relações políticas e sociais do Império.

Abstract This article is part of an effort to compile the analyses made for my master’s dissertation from 2012. It contains new perspectives on Hospício de Pedro II (Pedro II Hospice) between 1883 and 1889, drawing on research of admissions records and files of patients staying at the institution, founded in 1852 in Rio de Janeiro. The involvement of different players and the interplay of different interests and demands with regard to the hospice are highlighted. It is important to expand the debate concerning the institution beyond medical and scientific aspects, considering its importance both as a charity and for its key role in the political and social relations of the empire.

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Hospitales para Enfermos Terminales/historia , Hospitales Psiquiátricos/historia , Brasil
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 23(4): 1153-1167, 2016.
Artículo en Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27737371


This article is part of an effort to compile the analyses made for my master's dissertation from 2012. It contains new perspectives on Hospício de Pedro II (Pedro II Hospice) between 1883 and 1889, drawing on research of admissions records and files of patients staying at the institution, founded in 1852 in Rio de Janeiro. The involvement of different players and the interplay of different interests and demands with regard to the hospice are highlighted. It is important to expand the debate concerning the institution beyond medical and scientific aspects, considering its importance both as a charity and for its key role in the political and social relations of the empire.

Organizaciones de Beneficencia/historia , Hospitales para Enfermos Terminales/historia , Hospitales Psiquiátricos/historia , Brasil , Historia del Siglo XIX , Humanos